Digital Archiving
Digital archiving refers to storing paper-based documents on a machine-readable digital medium.
A pixel graphic file is stored, which depicts the original document with its essential properties such as information content, formating and position. From this pixel graphic file the original document can be retrieved as a paper document in the quality of a photocopy from the digital archive at any time.
Audit-proof digital archiving
When it can be adequately ensured that a document's digital copy cannot be lost or altered in any way, the digital archiving is referred to as audit-proof. In consultation with tax authority, audit-proof archiving allows for many original paper-based, tax-relevant documents to be destroyed.
What should an archiving software do?
The utility of a digital archive depends on the speed of retrieval. The possibilities of finding a document and the speed of the database/program are essential. It is also important that the archiving software is user-friendly. The archiving of documents should be possible without additional cost, and thus, user acceptance for the replacement of the classic filing cabinet is given.
What software is used for digital archiving?
Digital archiving can be operated singularly, if filing documents is the main concern. But often it is part of a Document Management System, which realises further requirements in addition to filing and archiving such as organising document-based tasks (workflows), various process stages of a document (version control) and much more. The so-called “dead files” of a digital archive turn into “living files” in a Document Management System. Therefore, an electronic Document Management System is a very commonly used software for digital and audit-proof archiving of documents.
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