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Our Service - Planning, Installation, Training and Support

When a company introduces new software, its success does not only depend on the quality of the software in question. Sound planning, thorough training of future users and professional support, especially in the first weeks and months of live operation, are also crucial.

bitfarm Informationssysteme GmbH supports you in setting up the bitfarm-Archiv DMS in your company in order to guarantee a smooth transition. You benefit from our many years of experience in the organisation of document archive systems, the analysis and electronic implementation of document processes and the adaptation of the system to company-specific requirements.

Our experienced and trained employees in consulting and support are familiar with the typical business and work processes of the various industries and work together with you to develop a concept tailored to your company, install it on site and train your employees. If questions or problems arise, our experts will be at your side with help and advice - also in the long run. We analyse processes, diagnose problems and offer prompt solutions in close cooperation with our development department (Further information).

Significance of a DMS

It is obvious that merchandise management and ERP systems are the most important programs used in a company or institution. The selection processes for acquisition and the costs for licenses and support are correspondingly extensive.

Electronic document management is often less prioritized by companies and institutions. The advantages of the DMS are only recognized when the digital archive gradually fills up with information from all business areas. After a while, many processes are only managed with the document management system because it is practical, saves time and automatically documents everything. Thus a DMS in many cases successively gains a business-critical meaning.

For this reason, it is advisable to seek the advice of experts at the beginning of a DMS project to ensure that the concepts are applied correctly and avoid costly improvements later.

„Our customers appreciate the first-hand information, after all, our support team is housed together with DMS development, sales and quality assurance at bitfarm. This enables us to offer a support quality that is otherwise difficult to find“.

Thomas Hassler, Head of Support, bitfarm GmbH