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Classifying old records

Ideas for house management and real estate maintenance

Documents in the house management and real estate maintenance sectors have to be stored and classified several times. Every document is associated with a property, classified as a document type (sales or leasing contract, utilities statement, notice of termination, notification of defects, etc.), must be assigned to an accommodation unit or tenant and so on. Due to the flexible possibilities of the bitfarm-Archiv Document Management­ software to accommodate such branch-specific storage structures, a number of companies in this sector could be beatified.

Complete stocks of old records can also be captured automatically with the help of the flyleaf function. A whole folder is prepared to be stored in the DMS by first generating a folder flyleaf on the computer. The classification of the folder is stored via barcode in this folder flyleaf. The individual documents in the folder are then marked with separating pages. The next old record is then treated in the same way. The whole stack of paper can then be fed into a powerful scanner; further reworking is not necessary.

There are good ideas for photographs of properties and flats in bitfarm-Archiv. Modern digital cameras store the date the picture was taken automatically in the so-called EXIF-data. Some cameras even have the ability to store GPS-coordinates to a picture. bitfarm-Archiv Document Management reads this data and can thus not only automatically classify the date the picture was taken in the DMS, but can also automatically define the property via a GPS-frame previously determined by the administrator. The pictures are also reduced in size by the DMS, if necessary, to avoid a data explosion. The user need only read his memory card in and store the content in a specific folder – the rest happens automatically.